In Japan, the Innocent World is recognized as either a 2007 manga written by Yamada Daisy or the 5th single released by Mr. Children in 1994 which topped the Oricon Japanese charts during that time. This 2009-2010 Fall Winter seasons, the Innocent World is Kapital Japan’s newest collection. Kapital’s trademark style shows with its experimental knits and pieces. Exotic combinations and stitching are evident in their denim jeans, pants and outerwear. Shades of Rapture Rose and Majolica Blue are prominent throughout.
Notable designer denim jeans selections feature:
- Kapital Japan EK-37 Harem Style Jeans
- Kapital Japan K95LP138 Cargo Jeans
- Kapital Japan K96LP270 Gaucho Style Wide One Wash
- Kapital Japan K96LP271 Gaucho Style Pants Wide Leg One Wash
- Kapital Japan K97LP316 Modified Panels Plaid and Denim Jeans
- Kapital Japan K98OP26 12oz One Wash Overalls
- Kapital Japan K98OP27 Hina Overalls
- Kapital Japan SLP001 One Wash TH Jeans
- Kapital Japan SLP004 14oz Stone One Wash Jeans
- Kapital Japan SLP005 14oz Shirasu One Wash Jeans
- Kapital Japan SLP006 14oz Cisco One Wash Zipper Fly Jeans
- Kapital Japan SLP007 14oz Elder One Wash Jeans
- Kapital Japan TH Zipang Jeans
DesignerDenimJeansFashion: Designer Fashion Trends Blog. Denim Jeans News Magazine.
Credit and Source Links:
Global Inspiration – Japanese Design – KAPITAL Global Site
Related Posts and Links:
- KAPITAL 2011-2012 Fall Winter Collection
- KAPITAL 2011 Spring Collection
- Jean Culture Initial Brand Page: KAPITAL
YOUR FEEDBACK: What do you think of the collection?
In Collections: Fall Winter, Mens Collections: Fall Winter, Womens Collections: Fall Winter on September 18, 2009.
Tags: 2009, 2010, autunno, Cisco, collection, denim, designer, designerdenimjeansfashion, fall, fashion, gaucho, Harem, Hina, Innocent World, inverno, jean culture, jeans, K95LP138, K96LP270, K96LP271, K97LP316, K98OP26, K98OP27, Kapital, Kapital Japan, Mr. Children, Oricon, overalls, pants, season, Shirasu, SLP001, SLP004, SLP005, SLP006, SLP007, winter, Yamada Daisy, Zipang
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