Outerwear heavyweights of the world. Fly like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. You don’t think. It’s all instinct. If you stop to think, you’re gone.
In 2012 Spring Summer, Collections: Spring Summer, Mens Collections: Spring Summer on February 9, 2012.
New Marine and Sunset Safari. Wide leg cuts, tribal prints and desert hues. So I’ll hide my head here in this paper bag. Fly little bee.
In 2012 Spring Summer, Collections: Spring Summer, Womens Collections: Spring Summer on January 25, 2012.
Denim jackets and shirts. Shades of maritime blues. And when I get to heaven, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’m gonna get my horn and call ol’ Blue.
In 2012 Spring Summer, Collections: Spring Summer, Mens Collections: Spring Summer on January 21, 2012.
A splash of color with light pastels. Stripes, skinny leggings and cargoes. Dreaming of how it’s supposed to be. But now this tunic’s spinning around my arms and knees.
In 2012 Spring Summer, Collections: Spring Summer, Womens Collections: Spring Summer on January 9, 2012.
It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie polka dot. I got stripes around my shoulders. You geranium, you potato.
In 2011-2012 Fall Winter, Collections: Fall Winter, Mens Collections: Fall Winter, Womens Collections: Fall Winter on January 4, 2012.
Their ships are good, their men are fine. Hurrah for the Black Ball Line. Welcome, Dockyard Workers of New England.
In 2012 Spring Summer, Collections: Spring Summer, Mens Collections: Spring Summer on January 3, 2012.